Chicken Fajitas


Who needs all the fat and calories of fajitas from your local Mexican restaurant when you can have big Tex-Mex flavor and less of all the bad stuff!


This meal brings all the Tex-Mex flavor with less of the fat and calories! Grilled-tender chicken breast with just the right blend of herbs and spices and grilled bell peppers and onions, served with Melody’s home-made salsa, mixed cheeses and tomatoes with flour tortillas to wrap it all in perfect fajitas!

If you’re going low carb, skip the flour tortillas!

173 Calories; 8.5 g Fat; 2g Carbs; 20.2 g Protein (without flour tortilla)

WITH flour tortilla (47g Carbs) 493 Calories





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Portion Size

Individual Meal


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